all postcodes in RG1 / READING

find any address or company within the RG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG1 4RE 1 1 51.454305 -0.961515
RG1 4RF 18 0 51.453287 -0.961322
RG1 4RH 4 0 51.452592 -0.963036
RG1 4RJ 4 4 51.452868 -0.96172
RG1 4RP 1 1 51.453109 -0.964478
RG1 4RQ 27 2 51.452264 -0.960539
RG1 4RS 7 0 51.452677 -0.961379
RG1 4RT 21 0 51.452205 -0.960987
RG1 4RU 5 5 51.454561 -0.969094
RG1 4RY 1 1 51.454697 -0.96922
RG1 4SA 30 13 51.454548 -0.968527
RG1 4SJ 81 17 51.451368 -0.967864
RG1 4SQ 31 5 51.45237 -0.968453
RG1 4SY 1 1 51.45377 -0.968104
RG1 4TA 1 1 51.454305 -0.961515
RG1 4TB 1 1 51.454305 -0.961515
RG1 4TD 1 1 51.454305 -0.961515
RG1 4TE 1 1 51.454305 -0.961515
RG1 4XB 1 1 51.431561 -0.971252
RG1 4XE 1 1 51.431561 -0.971252