all postcodes in RG1 / READING

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Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
RG1 5ES34051.444093-0.956739
RG1 5EU4051.446649-0.959041
RG1 5EX51251.448303-0.959003
RG1 5EY1151.449033-0.96021
RG1 5HA1151.448042-0.956951
RG1 5HB19051.444506-0.959665
RG1 5HD4051.446912-0.958215
RG1 5HE10051.446605-0.958078
RG1 5HF12051.444794-0.958709
RG1 5HG37051.446783-0.960966
RG1 5HH24051.445899-0.96067
RG1 5HJ8051.445544-0.961995
RG1 5HL44151.444417-0.957811
RG1 5HN6051.44536-0.957703
RG1 5HP1051.445809-0.956599
RG1 5HQ5051.447161-0.959936
RG1 5HR12151.444957-0.956791
RG1 5HT14051.444531-0.956427
RG1 5HU11051.443495-0.955256
RG1 5HW15051.445451-0.96078