all postcodes in RG12 / BRACKNELL

find any address or company within the RG12 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG12 8QP 47 0 51.402857 -0.770427
RG12 8QR 37 0 51.403498 -0.771531
RG12 8QS 43 0 51.402429 -0.769921
RG12 8QT 39 0 51.401878 -0.768814
RG12 8QU 53 0 51.401095 -0.768692
RG12 8QX 56 0 51.400411 -0.767862
RG12 8QY 54 0 51.399993 -0.767384
RG12 8QZ 49 0 51.399301 -0.766569
RG12 8SD 50 0 51.397621 -0.765019
RG12 8SE 36 0 51.396318 -0.765916
RG12 8SF 41 0 51.396709 -0.764612
RG12 8SG 50 0 51.399005 -0.765758
RG12 8SH 59 0 51.398058 -0.765524
RG12 8SN 1 1 51.407998 -0.776213
RG12 8SQ 60 0 51.398384 -0.762353
RG12 8SR 27 0 51.399271 -0.772334
RG12 8SS 2 2 51.409416 -0.774936
RG12 8ST 1 1 51.416007 -0.770736
RG12 8SZ 9 0 51.41327 -0.785908
RG12 8TD 24 5 51.412783 -0.787471