all postcodes in RG14 / NEWBURY

find any address or company within the RG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG14 1BW 6 0 51.402279 -1.326085
RG14 1BX 14 0 51.402422 -1.326035
RG14 1BZ 1 1 51.404374 -1.325982
RG14 1DA 1 1 51.402541 -1.324658
RG14 1DE 20 0 51.403765 -1.326552
RG14 1DJ 34 30 51.402816 -1.324203
RG14 1DL 1 1 51.404543 -1.325678
RG14 1DN 1 1 51.402312 -1.324072
RG14 1DQ 1 1 51.403824 -1.324279
RG14 1DS 1 1 51.402231 -1.322405
RG14 1DY 6 3 51.401739 -1.322944
RG14 1EA 15 11 51.405052 -1.323696
RG14 1ED 12 0 51.404936 -1.322092
RG14 1EE 2 2 51.405295 -1.322097
RG14 1EG 7 0 51.405297 -1.320793
RG14 1EH 1 1 51.404912 -1.321172
RG14 1EJ 9 0 51.406344 -1.319987
RG14 1EL 4 0 51.405076 -1.319919
RG14 1EN 23 0 51.405635 -1.318631
RG14 1ER 23 0 51.405018 -1.319201