all postcodes in RG18 / THATCHAM

find any address or company within the RG18 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG18 9EP 9 0 51.415502 -1.274166
RG18 9EQ 8 0 51.447241 -1.296097
RG18 9ER 21 0 51.42098 -1.274554
RG18 9ES 30 0 51.420276 -1.274062
RG18 9EU 12 0 51.4226 -1.273392
RG18 9EW 7 0 51.41458 -1.274828
RG18 9EX 10 0 51.422866 -1.274107
RG18 9EY 15 0 51.424181 -1.273022
RG18 9EZ 10 0 51.424374 -1.27381
RG18 9HA 8 0 51.425045 -1.273166
RG18 9HD 26 0 51.422929 -1.277069
RG18 9HE 19 0 51.42241 -1.277508
RG18 9HF 6 0 51.419095 -1.2942
RG18 9HG 20 1 51.415069 -1.302098
RG18 9HQ 24 0 51.417973 -1.294548
RG18 9HR 5 0 51.41415 -1.285456
RG18 9HS 2 0 51.418567 -1.251175
RG18 9HT 15 0 51.422681 -1.254637
RG18 9HU 4 3 51.422808 -1.256303
RG18 9HX 28 0 51.423322 -1.255158