all postcodes in RG1 / READING

find any address or company within the RG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG1 2EA 10 2 51.455191 -0.969001
RG1 2EG 14 11 51.455702 -0.969011
RG1 2EQ 1 1 51.455396 -0.96896
RG1 2FB 1 1 51.431561 -0.971252
RG1 2GU 60 0 51.450122 -0.966373
RG1 2GW 59 0 51.450122 -0.966373
RG1 2HB 3 1 51.455223 -0.969548
RG1 2HE 4 4 51.454864 -0.969807
RG1 2HF 1 1 51.454679 -0.970243
RG1 2HG 13 4 51.454629 -0.969654
RG1 2HN 3 2 51.451719 -0.970893
RG1 2HS 8 0 51.450231 -0.972588
RG1 2HT 1 0 51.452032 -0.96882
RG1 2HX 11 7 51.455092 -0.973256
RG1 2JB 8 3 51.454886 -0.971124
RG1 2JF 36 0 51.454282 -0.972151
RG1 2JR 16 8 51.453939 -0.972994
RG1 2JW 1 1 51.431561 -0.971252
RG1 2LG 23 10 51.454969 -0.974475
RG1 2LN 10 8 51.454598 -0.975325