all postcodes in RG20 / NEWBURY

find any address or company within the RG20 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG20 8UJ 0 51.469267 -1.316763
RG20 8UP 0 51.463252 -1.315212
RG20 8UR 2 51.46246 -1.316706
RG20 8UT 0 51.464014 -1.317964
RG20 8UU 0 51.464994 -1.317906
RG20 8UX 0 51.464544 -1.316315
RG20 8UY 1 51.463442 -1.312402
RG20 8UZ 0 51.464727 -1.310785
RG20 8XB 1 51.45883 -1.315494
RG20 8XD 0 51.459784 -1.317192
RG20 8XF 0 51.455581 -1.312084
RG20 8XG 0 51.461149 -1.313948
RG20 8XQ 0 51.460697 -1.313494
RG20 8XY 1 51.451343 -1.311432
RG20 8TA 2 0 51.466899 -1.31619
RG20 8BL 7 5 51.419437 -1.361897
RG20 8RN 10 0 51.46937 -1.314285
RG20 8JL 0 51.412922 -1.36084
RG20 8RQ 9 0 51.48044 -1.305393
RG20 8LU 1 0 51.406994 -1.368672