all postcodes in RG21 / BASINGSTOKE

find any address or company within the RG21 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG21 6YH 14 11 51.276126 -1.105012
RG21 6YJ 1 1 51.272315 -1.108688
RG21 6YR 4 0 51.267241 -1.104888
RG21 6YS 1 1 51.275506 -1.109788
RG21 6YT 10 5 51.274543 -1.109591
RG21 6YU 13 8 51.273388 -1.109136
RG21 6ZN 1 1 51.277326 -1.107874
RG21 6XQ 1 1 51.271515 -1.107567
RG21 6XN 11 51.272623 -1.103116
RG21 6TZ 5 5 51.271596 -1.108774
RG21 6AA 1 1 51.265386 -1.105669
RG21 6AB 8 51.271252 -1.103788
RG21 6AD 0 51.266993 -1.098242
RG21 6AF 0 51.267335 -1.099482
RG21 6AG 0 51.267315 -1.096874
RG21 6AE 68 0 51.266747 -1.095609
RG21 6AH 4 51.273699 -1.106235
RG21 6AJ 2 0 51.270063 -1.094164
RG21 6AR 14 0 51.268853 -1.094589
RG21 6BG 24 0 51.269708 -1.094773