all postcodes in RG21 / BASINGSTOKE

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Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG21 4DZ 1 1 51.267269 -1.081705
RG21 4EA 1 1 51.269367 -1.070702
RG21 4EB 15 15 51.268754 -1.07845
RG21 4ED 1 1 51.277326 -1.107874
RG21 4EJ 6 4 51.268276 -1.079496
RG21 4EQ 4 4 51.269581 -1.074965
RG21 4ER 7 1 51.270737 -1.079074
RG21 4ET 1 1 51.271581 -1.075459
RG21 4EX 1 1 51.268393 -1.077172
RG21 4EY 20 0 51.270947 -1.078339
RG21 4EZ 21 0 51.271261 -1.077114
RG21 4HA 31 2 51.271513 -1.077167
RG21 4HD 25 0 51.271587 -1.078484
RG21 4HE 16 0 51.27511 -1.077195
RG21 4HF 16 0 51.272133 -1.079333
RG21 4HG 42 41 51.267892 -1.077497
RG21 4HJ 1 1 51.268161 -1.073994
RG21 4HL 1 1 51.268771 -1.077164
RG21 4HP 89 0 51.271344 -1.079664
RG21 4HU 37 0 51.272791 -1.077256