all postcodes in RG23 / BASINGSTOKE

find any address or company within the RG23 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG23 7EG 0 51.244308 -1.177968
RG23 7EH 2 51.251081 -1.187247
RG23 7EN 0 51.250333 -1.180612
RG23 7EP 2 51.255181 -1.192448
RG23 7ER 0 51.256396 -1.205711
RG23 7ES 2 51.261114 -1.193447
RG23 7ET 0 51.265526 -1.191693
RG23 7EU 0 51.271395 -1.192565
RG23 7EW 0 51.234419 -1.179746
RG23 7EX 0 51.274185 -1.190418
RG23 7EY 2 51.269576 -1.187107
RG23 7HA 3 51.255086 -1.187792
RG23 7HB 0 51.25511 -1.180899
RG23 7HD 0 51.255634 -1.181373
RG23 7HE 0 51.257775 -1.172536
RG23 7HF 0 51.257815 -1.17178
RG23 7HH 2 51.25942 -1.164743
RG23 7HJ 0 51.25019 -1.15286
RG23 7HL 0 51.244395 -1.176233
RG23 7HN 0 51.244937 -1.176696