all postcodes in RG25 / BASINGSTOKE

find any address or company within the RG25 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG25 3ER 26 0 51.245488 -1.267733
RG25 3ES 6 1 51.248002 -1.269985
RG25 3ET 1 0 51.288883 -1.285097
RG25 3EW 58 0 51.246508 -1.269851
RG25 3HA 34 12 51.244053 -1.264243
RG25 3HB 30 14 51.24384 -1.264493
RG25 3HD 28 1 51.244608 -1.265082
RG25 3HE 14 0 51.244613 -1.26577
RG25 3HF 3 0 51.246832 -1.265562
RG25 3HG 9 0 51.243969 -1.266324
RG25 3HH 24 0 51.24292 -1.265352
RG25 3HJ 39 0 51.242922 -1.264378
RG25 3HL 19 0 51.241664 -1.26596
RG25 3HN 40 0 51.24264 -1.268165
RG25 3HP 19 0 51.242985 -1.268704
RG25 3HQ 15 1 51.243782 -1.266614
RG25 3HR 19 7 51.243452 -1.26278
RG25 3HS 29 3 51.242483 -1.263139
RG25 3HT 16 1 51.242281 -1.262526
RG25 3HU 6 0 51.241657 -1.261963