all postcodes in RG25 / BASINGSTOKE

find any address or company within the RG25 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG25 2JN 30 0 51.241483 -1.094872
RG25 2JP 8 0 51.237816 -1.092824
RG25 2JQ 16 0 51.237845 -1.096562
RG25 2JS 2 2 51.233354 -1.100787
RG25 2JT 1 1 51.245041 -1.082897
RG25 2JU 2 1 51.245615 -1.079387
RG25 2JW 1 0 51.242766 -1.093329
RG25 2JY 3 0 51.242278 -1.076921
RG25 2JZ 17 0 51.249804 -1.067801
RG25 2LA 3 0 51.246813 -1.04257
RG25 2LB 3 0 51.243263 -1.041687
RG25 2LE 8 0 51.241494 -1.026797
RG25 2LF 4 0 51.245012 -1.023814
RG25 2LG 18 0 51.255299 -1.018337
RG25 2LH 3 0 51.25415 -1.015492
RG25 2LJ 7 0 51.257098 -1.015232
RG25 2LP 7 1 51.263361 -1.015729
RG25 2LQ 4 0 51.25277 -1.00955
RG25 2LR 2 0 51.263527 -1.017384
RG25 2LS 5 0 51.263817 -1.023029