all postcodes in RG27 / HOOK

find any address or company within the RG27 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG27 8RP 0 51.301316 -0.909128
RG27 8RQ 2 51.30427 -0.906688
RG27 8RR 0 51.300007 -0.910536
RG27 8RS 0 51.299436 -0.910937
RG27 8RT 4 51.297062 -0.911994
RG27 8RU 0 51.296825 -0.911629
RG27 8RW 0 51.301975 -0.908438
RG27 8RX 0 51.303475 -0.908244
RG27 8RY 0 51.303731 -0.905757
RG27 8RZ 0 51.303433 -0.904717
RG27 8SA 0 51.302842 -0.904042
RG27 8SB 0 51.302998 -0.903335
RG27 8SD 0 51.308206 -0.905435
RG27 8SE 0 51.309684 -0.90583
RG27 8SF 0 51.309174 -0.905111
RG27 8SG 0 51.30866 -0.904951
RG27 8SH 1 51.290063 -0.891537
RG27 8SJ 0 51.284067 -0.894495
RG27 8SL 4 51.281797 -0.887564
RG27 8SN 0 51.281246 -0.885257