all postcodes in RG28 / BASINGSTOKE

find any address or company within the RG28 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG28 7PE 1 0 51.217309 -1.297346
RG28 7PF 7 3 51.217764 -1.286457
RG28 7PG 3 0 51.209545 -1.298179
RG28 7PH 13 0 51.23432 -1.297044
RG28 7PJ 6 0 51.281852 -1.335576
RG28 7PL 1 0 51.244217 -1.333396
RG28 7PN 2 0 51.253888 -1.334774
RG28 7PP 3 0 51.28071 -1.340453
RG28 7PQ 12 0 51.230926 -1.299458
RG28 7PR 4 1 51.28254 -1.340066
RG28 7PS 5 0 51.284343 -1.33891
RG28 7PT 14 0 51.282488 -1.335679
RG28 7PU 17 0 51.279101 -1.356734
RG28 7PW 3 0 51.267286 -1.339482
RG28 7PX 7 0 51.230084 -1.338642
RG28 7PY 11 0 51.291045 -1.372013
RG28 7PZ 2 0 51.281279 -1.367341
RG28 7QA 9 0 51.290123 -1.364611
RG28 7QB 7 1 51.248979 -1.332711
RG28 7QD 10 0 51.257777 -1.328657