all postcodes in RG30 / READING

find any address or company within the RG30 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG30 2EQ 10 0 51.448797 -1.002293
RG30 2ER 12 0 51.451753 -0.994552
RG30 2ES 1 0 51.449422 -0.998639
RG30 2ET 45 0 51.445098 -1.016835
RG30 2EU 19 8 51.44457 -1.018228
RG30 2EW 12 0 51.451372 -0.994171
RG30 2EX 5 0 51.450584 -0.998844
RG30 2EZ 38 0 51.447874 -1.001695
RG30 2HA 5 1 51.444396 -1.02003
RG30 2HD 24 0 51.450545 -0.996384
RG30 2HG 6 0 51.453636 -1.003555
RG30 2HJ 1 1 51.444508 -1.024791
RG30 2HL 1 0 51.444489 -1.025813
RG30 2HN 2 0 51.444341 -1.026155
RG30 2HQ 12 0 51.453949 -1.003196
RG30 2HT 52 0 51.452963 -1.002426
RG30 2HU 34 0 51.453298 -1.002958
RG30 2HX 58 0 51.453055 -1.001826
RG30 2HY 61 0 51.458951 -1.011068
RG30 2HZ 65 0 51.45923 -1.011134