all postcodes in RG4 / READING

find any address or company within the RG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG4 7HE 27 0 51.478573 -0.993335
RG4 7HG 28 0 51.479856 -0.991924
RG4 7HH 24 0 51.479013 -0.990157
RG4 7HJ 16 1 51.479515 -0.994164
RG4 7HL 51 0 51.480994 -0.994693
RG4 7HN 19 0 51.477898 -0.990182
RG4 7HP 22 0 51.482799 -0.995445
RG4 7HR 29 0 51.482467 -0.993437
RG4 7HS 53 1 51.481137 -0.993273
RG4 7HT 5 0 51.481636 -0.991928
RG4 7HW 5 0 51.478405 -0.9885
RG4 7HZ 12 0 51.485464 -0.993731
RG4 7JA 18 1 51.481223 -0.990944
RG4 7JB 43 2 51.479526 -0.988101
RG4 7JD 14 0 51.479458 -0.987498
RG4 7JE 17 0 51.481326 -0.989314
RG4 7JF 18 0 51.482923 -0.99105
RG4 7JG 24 0 51.481317 -0.988263
RG4 7JH 6 0 51.485167 -0.992686
RG4 7JJ 24 0 51.484204 -0.993571