all postcodes in RG41 / WOKINGHAM

find any address or company within the RG41 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG41 4TD 8 0 51.399173 -0.875402
RG41 4TE 2 0 51.398416 -0.875219
RG41 4TF 1 0 51.398707 -0.874642
RG41 4TG 20 0 51.397611 -0.875718
RG41 4TJ 7 0 51.395959 -0.886247
RG41 4TH 2 0 51.398806 -0.885027
RG41 4TL 5 1 51.395929 -0.882285
RG41 4TN 20 0 51.395528 -0.89309
RG41 4TP 1 0 51.395238 -0.891875
RG41 4TR 10 0 51.394829 -0.892316
RG41 4TS 2 0 51.396789 -0.89511
RG41 4TX 11 0 51.401266 -0.868728
RG41 4UR 20 0 51.399809 -0.871495
RG41 4UT 35 0 51.401133 -0.873576
RG41 4UU 39 0 51.402243 -0.873923
RG41 4UW 14 0 51.400062 -0.872481
RG41 4UX 34 0 51.402426 -0.870568
RG41 4UY 26 0 51.402122 -0.868803
RG41 4UZ 25 0 51.401794 -0.872089
RG41 4WR 10 0 51.400451 -0.85144