all postcodes in RG42 / BRACKNELL

find any address or company within the RG42 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG42 1SZ 0 51.42269 -0.766688
RG42 1TA 0 51.42264 -0.773837
RG42 1TB 0 51.423077 -0.767511
RG42 1TD 0 51.423831 -0.767362
RG42 1TE 0 51.423153 -0.764475
RG42 1TG 0 51.423354 -0.764771
RG42 1TH 0 51.423609 -0.763369
RG42 1TJ 0 51.424171 -0.764706
RG42 1TL 0 51.423992 -0.765617
RG42 1TQ 0 51.423642 -0.764001
RG42 1TS 0 51.421471 -0.763585
RG42 1TT 0 51.420217 -0.764079
RG42 1TU 3 51.421007 -0.763914
RG42 1TX 0 51.421364 -0.765357
RG42 1TY 0 51.422368 -0.765057
RG42 1TZ 0 51.420955 -0.765857
RG42 1UA 0 51.420617 -0.766139
RG42 1UB 0 51.422525 -0.764635
RG42 1UD 8 51.421587 -0.764387
RG42 1UE 0 51.42223 -0.763076