all postcodes in RG42 / BRACKNELL

find any address or company within the RG42 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG42 6EE 1 51.441614 -0.735041
RG42 6EG 0 51.442315 -0.731641
RG42 6EH 0 51.446061 -0.751452
RG42 6EN 0 51.446339 -0.74966
RG42 6EL 0 51.448286 -0.75077
RG42 6EP 0 51.446754 -0.75133
RG42 6ER 1 51.446777 -0.751965
RG42 6ES 0 51.452129 -0.752136
RG42 6ET 0 51.451421 -0.750644
RG42 6EQ 0 51.455278 -0.755473
RG42 6EU 0 51.453303 -0.752622
RG42 6EX 0 51.452524 -0.750369
RG42 6EY 1 51.452738 -0.748464
RG42 6HB 0 51.457822 -0.746149
RG42 6HD 0 51.458452 -0.745558
RG42 6HE 0 51.459295 -0.742772
RG42 6HH 0 51.459806 -0.741793
RG42 6HJ 0 51.458722 -0.738843
RG42 6HL 0 51.458607 -0.741567
RG42 6HN 0 51.458081 -0.733418