all postcodes in RG6 / READING

find any address or company within the RG6 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG6 1HA 0 51.446558 -0.928983
RG6 1HB 0 51.448093 -0.930645
RG6 1HD 0 51.449095 -0.93101
RG6 1HE 0 51.447686 -0.928409
RG6 1HG 0 51.447542 -0.927449
RG6 1HH 0 51.449788 -0.930173
RG6 1HJ 0 51.448957 -0.927732
RG6 1HL 0 51.450489 -0.929135
RG6 1HN 0 51.450095 -0.927274
RG6 1HP 0 51.450978 -0.928476
RG6 1HQ 0 51.449197 -0.927319
RG6 1HR 0 51.452337 -0.926645
RG6 1HS 0 51.447851 -0.926645
RG6 1HT 0 51.449075 -0.926717
RG6 1HU 0 51.449954 -0.926615
RG6 1HW 0 51.451786 -0.927421
RG6 1JG 6 51.452714 -0.948262
RG6 1JH 0 51.45201 -0.945103
RG6 1JJ 0 51.451517 -0.943287
RG6 1JL 8 51.450336 -0.939975