all postcodes in RG8 / READING

find any address or company within the RG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG8 0SJ 0 51.530969 -1.066309
RG8 0SL 0 51.530811 -1.065664
RG8 0SN 0 51.529984 -1.067987
RG8 0SP 2 51.541851 -1.044226
RG8 0SQ 0 51.530446 -1.067343
RG8 0SR 1 51.54205 -1.045505
RG8 0SS 0 51.541913 -1.044124
RG8 0ST 0 51.544 -1.040893
RG8 0SU 0 51.546664 -1.039792
RG8 0SW 0 51.529653 -1.067057
RG8 0SX 0 51.545925 -1.039577
RG8 0SY 0 51.546345 -1.038493
RG8 0SZ 0 51.529972 -1.067656
RG8 0TB 0 51.549512 -1.036624
RG8 0TD 0 51.552013 -1.032302
RG8 0TE 2 51.551295 -1.040134
RG8 0TH 1 51.555933 -1.046542
RG8 0TJ 0 51.550944 -1.046747
RG8 0TL 0 51.550253 -1.045867
RG8 0TN 0 51.543167 -1.036665