all postcodes in RG9 / HENLEY-ON-THAMES

find any address or company within the RG9 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG9 4QS 2 0 51.543135 -0.9745
RG9 4QT 12 0 51.544017 -0.975885
RG9 4QW 3 0 51.544534 -0.973278
RG9 4QY 1 0 51.542698 -0.977313
RG9 4QZ 14 4 51.545312 -0.982844
RG9 4RA 1 0 51.544674 -0.981192
RG9 4RB 7 0 51.544209 -0.983495
RG9 4RD 2 0 51.549339 -0.974418
RG9 4RE 7 1 51.549298 -0.970127
RG9 4RG 2 0 51.554161 -0.967545
RG9 4RH 2 0 51.560804 -0.970381
RG9 4RQ 2 0 51.555966 -0.967288
RG9 4RS 5 1 51.559555 -0.951489
RG9 4RT 2 0 51.558327 -0.956675
RG9 4RU 1 0 51.558166 -0.951982
RG9 4RX 3 0 51.555336 -0.947316
RG9 4RY 3 0 51.555591 -0.94669
RG9 4RZ 4 0 51.553086 -0.935065
RG9 4TR 1 1 51.535931 -0.90402
RG9 4UT 1 1 51.535931 -0.90402