all postcodes in RG9 / HENLEY-ON-THAMES

find any address or company within the RG9 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG9 1QY 6 0 51.528645 -0.928067
RG9 1QZ 6 0 51.529779 -0.919261
RG9 1RA 51 1 51.530152 -0.926691
RG9 1RB 37 0 51.529362 -0.924821
RG9 1RD 28 0 51.530476 -0.927707
RG9 1RE 21 0 51.531851 -0.927208
RG9 1RG 28 0 51.530583 -0.924562
RG9 1RH 10 0 51.530686 -0.923146
RG9 1RJ 8 0 51.529473 -0.922238
RG9 1RL 30 0 51.531732 -0.919532
RG9 1RN 1 0 51.532112 -0.921729
RG9 1RP 1 0 51.531524 -0.920387
RG9 1RQ 3 0 51.53126 -0.923911
RG9 1RR 36 2 51.531051 -0.919735
RG9 1RS 1 0 51.531524 -0.920387
RG9 1RT 14 0 51.529879 -0.921435
RG9 1RY 24 3 51.535936 -0.905153
RG9 1RZ 5 0 51.527019 -0.923247
RG9 1SA 16 2 51.536919 -0.904481
RG9 1SB 31 7 51.535923 -0.904692