all postcodes in RH1 / REDHILL

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH1 5BD 37 0 51.210864 -0.167023
RH1 5BE 10 0 51.210363 -0.165482
RH1 5BF 1 1 51.22076 -0.161517
RH1 5BG 48 0 51.208368 -0.165561
RH1 5BH 26 0 51.209109 -0.166949
RH1 5BJ 38 0 51.208315 -0.167868
RH1 5BL 12 0 51.214654 -0.160386
RH1 5BN 6 0 51.214668 -0.161846
RH1 5BP 26 0 51.211801 -0.167701
RH1 5BQ 31 1 51.208339 -0.166536
RH1 5BS 1 0 51.207678 -0.168567
RH1 5BT 16 11 51.205619 -0.166887
RH1 5BU 4 0 51.205785 -0.168284
RH1 5BW 35 0 51.215625 -0.16039
RH1 5BX 45 11 51.203479 -0.167576
RH1 5BZ 5 1 51.201842 -0.167467
RH1 5DA 21 2 51.202787 -0.166356
RH1 5DB 33 0 51.201984 -0.164441
RH1 5DD 21 1 51.20309 -0.164468
RH1 5DE 26 0 51.202786 -0.162849