all postcodes in RH10 / CRAWLEY

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH10 9AA 1 1 51.138767 -0.169851
RH10 9PY 20 20 51.129605 -0.17423
RH10 9AF 1 1 51.137714 -0.166905
RH10 9AG 4 3 51.127523 -0.171626
RH10 9AQ 1 0 51.126585 -0.171233
RH10 9AX 2 2 51.133153 -0.167058
RH10 9AY 6 5 51.130346 -0.168127
RH10 9AZ 15 14 51.13163 -0.167775
RH10 9PJ 14 13 51.135598 -0.16616
RH10 9DE 1 1 51.130602 -0.169302
RH10 9DP 2 0 51.13566 -0.174748
RH10 9ET 1 1 51.128387 -0.169147
RH10 9EZ 1 1 51.133398 -0.176167
RH10 9TP 3 3 51.139147 -0.161974
RH10 9FX 1 1 51.116858 -0.188177
RH10 9FY 1 1 51.128879 -0.173586
RH10 9FZ 23 17 51.132429 -0.172817
RH10 9QL 2 2 51.134049 -0.180072
RH10 9GY 1 1 51.136752 -0.185354
RH10 9JA 1 1 51.116858 -0.188177