all postcodes in RH15 / BURGESS HILL

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH15 8AA 15 0 50.963482 -0.128413
RH15 8AB 15 1 50.964267 -0.12747
RH15 8AD 16 0 50.963293 -0.126712
RH15 8AE 16 0 50.965142 -0.127022
RH15 8AF 27 0 50.964231 -0.125179
RH15 8AG 20 0 50.964677 -0.125503
RH15 8AH 22 0 50.965572 -0.124128
RH15 8AJ 10 0 50.964765 -0.123762
RH15 8AL 5 0 50.964831 -0.122776
RH15 8AN 31 0 50.96797 -0.121126
RH15 8AP 32 0 50.96583 -0.125086
RH15 8AQ 14 0 50.965267 -0.124767
RH15 8AR 2 2 50.967503 -0.132697
RH15 8GL 10 0 50.967792 -0.136103
RH15 8AS 10 0 50.963324 -0.140468
RH15 8AT 15 0 50.962904 -0.141752
RH15 8AU 10 0 50.969143 -0.11917
RH15 8AW 27 0 50.966552 -0.124145
RH15 8AX 17 0 50.962955 -0.142177
RH15 8AY 10 0 50.959837 -0.127107