all postcodes in RH15 / BURGESS HILL

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH15 8TB 32 0 50.966832 -0.142777
RH15 8TD 26 0 50.966608 -0.14055
RH15 8TE 7 0 50.965849 -0.142005
RH15 8TF 17 0 50.96599 -0.140703
RH15 8TG 43 0 50.965251 -0.141188
RH15 8TH 10 0 50.965295 -0.143365
RH15 8TJ 19 0 50.966274 -0.143284
RH15 8TL 29 0 50.966252 -0.14421
RH15 8TN 15 0 50.966418 -0.14446
RH15 8TP 18 1 50.966468 -0.145911
RH15 8TQ 24 0 50.965988 -0.147383
RH15 8TR 27 0 50.965212 -0.146089
RH15 8TS 42 1 50.963663 -0.14709
RH15 8TT 42 0 50.964901 -0.148024
RH15 8TU 49 0 50.964311 -0.145997
RH15 8TX 28 0 50.964108 -0.149052
RH15 8TY 49 0 50.964005 -0.147675
RH15 8TZ 15 0 50.963341 -0.138131
RH15 8UA 8 4 50.964824 -0.133886
RH15 8UB 30 0 50.963411 -0.148226