all postcodes in RH19 / FOREST ROW

find any address or company within the RH19 postcode district

Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH19 1TW 14 0 51.124809 -0.023608
RH19 1TX 13 1 51.128471 -0.038972
RH19 1TY 6 0 51.12097 -0.039663
RH19 1TZ 14 2 51.117602 -0.033346
RH19 1UA 1 1 51.127279 -0.01387
RH19 1UB 1 1 51.134859 -0.038073
RH19 1UU 1 1 51.127431 -0.014321
RH19 1XA 1 1 51.127176 -0.014647
RH19 1XZ 35 26 51.135951 -0.038327
RH19 1XP 10 9 51.138039 -0.041083
RH19 1YY 1 1 51.12852 -0.013631
RH19 1BZ 0 51.126642 -0.012696
RH19 1EH 1 1 51.134646 -0.038811
RH19 1BS 29 1 51.126014 -0.013309
RH19 1NH 7 0 51.133666 -0.028132
RH19 1XE 1 1 51.125872 -0.009743
RH19 1UZ 7 51.127431 -0.016422
RH19 1EX 61 0 51.128976 -0.017213
RH19 1GY 26 0 51.129326 -0.01714
RH19 1GZ 12 0 51.130035 -0.018139