all postcodes in RH4 / BETCHWORTH

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Postcode Area

RH / Redhill

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RH4 1BL 37 11 51.231486 -0.334348
RH4 1BQ 1 1 51.232617 -0.329809
RH4 1BS 26 11 51.23172 -0.333901
RH4 1BT 50 0 51.232543 -0.334081
RH4 1BU 20 11 51.23187 -0.336024
RH4 1BW 1 1 51.231721 -0.333179
RH4 1BX 13 0 51.233455 -0.334306
RH4 1BY 23 4 51.231572 -0.336565
RH4 1BZ 1 1 51.233196 -0.330003
RH4 1DB 4 0 51.231503 -0.337427
RH4 1DD 5 3 51.232662 -0.337972
RH4 1DE 1 1 51.23184 -0.333333
RH4 1DF 2 2 51.232396 -0.335103
RH4 1DG 12 0 51.232003 -0.335934
RH4 1DH 31 1 51.233122 -0.334962
RH4 1DJ 12 2 51.232406 -0.333899
RH4 1DL 6 0 51.234271 -0.334955
RH4 1DN 25 1 51.232264 -0.333375
RH4 1DP 18 0 51.232244 -0.33263
RH4 1DQ 32 0 51.232873 -0.335788