all postcodes in RM1 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM1 3DS 1 1 51.579075 0.184523
RM1 3DT 1 1 51.579075 0.184523
RM1 3DX 1 1 51.579075 0.184523
RM1 3ED 22 15 51.578173 0.181305
RM1 3EE 47 40 51.579431 0.185666
RM1 3EH 3 0 51.578385 0.180983
RM1 3EJ 1 1 51.581396 0.183538
RM1 3EL 1 0 51.577573 0.185967
RM1 3EN 2 2 51.577879 0.186586
RM1 3ER 19 13 51.579431 0.182951
RM1 3ET 1 1 51.579007 0.183003
RM1 3HD 11 1 51.578343 0.182957
RM1 3HH 1 1 51.581021 0.186419
RM1 3HP 1 1 51.579077 0.184551
RM1 3HQ 1 1 51.579586 0.183305
RM1 3JE 1 1 51.579534 0.18323
RM1 3JL 1 1 51.576851 0.182899
RM1 3JR 18 0 51.576085 0.183774
RM1 3JS 10 10 51.576429 0.183661
RM1 3JT 8 7 51.57674 0.184005