all postcodes in RM11 / HORNCHURCH

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM11 2DR 12 0 51.574686 0.216656
RM11 2DU 16 0 51.580191 0.210512
RM11 2DW 41 0 51.57011 0.217195
RM11 2DX 42 1 51.583422 0.219936
RM11 2DY 24 1 51.58337 0.217913
RM11 2DZ 27 0 51.582494 0.215257
RM11 2EA 9 1 51.581971 0.212489
RM11 2EB 24 1 51.578196 0.209044
RM11 2ED 10 0 51.577329 0.211109
RM11 2EE 32 0 51.579725 0.210908
RM11 2EF 23 0 51.577703 0.210839
RM11 2EG 23 0 51.584338 0.218566
RM11 2EH 19 0 51.578437 0.212
RM11 2EJ 26 1 51.580465 0.211723
RM11 2EL 20 0 51.581948 0.21562
RM11 2EN 8 0 51.584212 0.219527
RM11 2EP 36 0 51.585334 0.216796
RM11 2EQ 11 0 51.586109 0.218147
RM11 2ES 36 0 51.586039 0.219428
RM11 2EU 40 0 51.585817 0.219793