all postcodes in RM13 / RAINHAM

find any address or company within the RM13 postcode district

Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM13 8BT 26 51.513558 0.175651
RM13 8BW 1 51.516955 0.192173
RM13 8DD 0 51.526994 0.171692
RM13 8DE 19 51.523289 0.175581
RM13 8QT 10 51.520827 0.188466
RM13 8DJ 1 51.526275 0.166238
RM13 8DL 1 51.516955 0.192173
RM13 8DR 2 51.525984 0.168472
RM13 8DS 1 51.526081 0.168506
RM13 8DT 1 51.52534 0.171657
RM13 8DU 0 51.527031 0.169229
RM13 8DY 4 51.525869 0.169346
RM13 8EA 0 51.526833 0.169709
RM13 8EB 0 51.526034 0.170623
RM13 8EH 1 51.516955 0.192173
RM13 8EL 1 51.527018 0.172371
RM13 8EP 0 51.5281 0.180453
RM13 8ER 0 51.52691 0.172856
RM13 8ES 7 51.524626 0.174766
RM13 8ET 14 9 51.525563 0.170702