all postcodes in RM13 / RAINHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM13 9BJ 14 12 51.489366 0.191526
RM13 9BU 19 16 51.515846 0.184625
RM13 9YH 20 14 51.508156 0.179385
RM13 9DB 1 1 51.509341 0.17839
RM13 9DD 10 10 51.51412 0.181717
RM13 9DE 15 1 51.51633 0.19726
RM13 9DF 29 0 51.515997 0.200126
RM13 9DG 40 0 51.515725 0.199767
RM13 9DN 1 0 51.507293 0.211941
RM13 9DQ 3 0 51.511814 0.205862
RM13 9DR 15 0 51.509517 0.208518
RM13 9DS 9 0 51.509284 0.21126
RM13 9DT 23 0 51.506559 0.215653
RM13 9DU 6 0 51.506938 0.216997
RM13 9DW 11 0 51.506796 0.213531
RM13 9DX 32 0 51.505761 0.218741
RM13 9DY 10 0 51.50672 0.214234
RM13 9DZ 1 0 51.50773 0.214585
RM13 9EA 16 0 51.515737 0.197707
RM13 9EB 25 16 51.501981 0.226583