all postcodes in RM13 / RAINHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM13 7AX 0 51.535736 0.183803
RM13 7BA 0 51.536169 0.184083
RM13 7BB 1 51.536509 0.188512
RM13 7BD 0 51.536029 0.191214
RM13 7BS 3 51.535592 0.192952
RM13 7BT 0 51.537695 0.192534
RM13 7BU 0 51.537551 0.193969
RM13 7BX 0 51.533819 0.193501
RM13 7DA 0 51.533283 0.195163
RM13 7DB 0 51.532472 0.195311
RM13 7DD 0 51.533347 0.196522
RM13 7DH 1 51.534628 0.198213
RM13 7DJ 0 51.535126 0.198049
RM13 7DL 0 51.534239 0.196031
RM13 7DP 0 51.533932 0.196045
RM13 7DR 0 51.536029 0.194588
RM13 7DS 0 51.537046 0.194089
RM13 7DT 0 51.53693 0.195468
RM13 7DU 0 51.534609 0.1955
RM13 7DX 0 51.534483 0.196865