all postcodes in RM14 / UPMINSTER

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM14 3BU 29 14 51.556503 0.252039
RM14 3BX 15 1 51.557084 0.254707
RM14 3DA 28 1 51.557558 0.257616
RM14 3DD 16 0 51.557185 0.257395
RM14 3DE 14 0 51.555517 0.25248
RM14 3DF 9 0 51.554577 0.252579
RM14 3DG 20 0 51.55588 0.25697
RM14 3DH 24 3 51.556732 0.254733
RM14 3DL 38 0 51.555032 0.254664
RM14 3DP 37 0 51.553598 0.255472
RM14 3DQ 20 0 51.555839 0.256304
RM14 3DR 41 0 51.553287 0.255269
RM14 3DS 37 0 51.554453 0.251187
RM14 3DT 34 0 51.554778 0.251635
RM14 3DU 8 0 51.556619 0.25503
RM14 3EA 36 1 51.562895 0.267692
RM14 3EH 22 2 51.553136 0.250487
RM14 3EJ 19 0 51.552818 0.250559
RM14 3EP 18 0 51.55278 0.253095
RM14 3ER 21 0 51.552745 0.254435