all postcodes in RM15 / SOUTH OCKENDON

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM15 6DB 0 51.516573 0.296265
RM15 6DD 0 51.517147 0.296266
RM15 6DH 0 51.516023 0.29853
RM15 6DJ 0 51.516087 0.301704
RM15 6DL 0 51.516978 0.305309
RM15 6DP 0 51.515534 0.304689
RM15 6DR 0 51.512006 0.293326
RM15 6DS 0 51.51179 0.29333
RM15 6DU 1 51.513135 0.293988
RM15 6DX 0 51.507106 0.293354
RM15 6EA 0 51.506871 0.293385
RM15 6EB 0 51.506505 0.292747
RM15 6ED 0 51.505727 0.292507
RM15 6EE 0 51.504636 0.293129
RM15 6EH 0 51.506757 0.291795
RM15 6EJ 0 51.504787 0.29135
RM15 6EL 0 51.503423 0.29216
RM15 6EP 0 51.502766 0.292632
RM15 6EQ 0 51.505294 0.292096
RM15 6ER 0 51.503197 0.293604