all postcodes in RM15 / SOUTH OCKENDON

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM15 5DA 0 51.51264 0.288962
RM15 5DB 0 51.510844 0.289737
RM15 5DD 0 51.510226 0.289158
RM15 5DE 0 51.511944 0.286866
RM15 5DF 0 51.511919 0.288148
RM15 5DG 0 51.513141 0.289578
RM15 5DH 0 51.51016 0.286546
RM15 5DJ 0 51.511053 0.284559
RM15 5DL 1 51.510084 0.281225
RM15 5DN 0 51.510379 0.287754
RM15 5TT 10 51.515254 0.286355
RM15 5DQ 0 51.511987 0.289708
RM15 5DR 0 51.506662 0.281947
RM15 5DS 0 51.50742 0.281351
RM15 5DT 0 51.50786 0.280451
RM15 5DU 1 51.509645 0.281131
RM15 5DW 0 51.510743 0.286648
RM15 5DX 2 51.510705 0.28212
RM15 5DZ 9 51.50982 0.281831
RM15 5EB 1 51.509257 0.282149