all postcodes in RM16 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM16 3HE 0 51.511161 0.364841
RM16 3HZ 0 51.511334 0.364317
RM16 3GS 12 0 51.511583 0.365339
RM16 3GU 17 0 51.510399 0.365638
RM16 3GW 7 0 51.510475 0.364561
RM16 3GT 48 0 51.509803 0.364425
RM16 3GY 10 0 51.50957 0.363462
RM16 3GZ 15 0 51.510255 0.363843
RM16 3AG 5 0 51.493147 0.359961
RM16 3AN 2 0 51.521788 0.347185
RM16 3AQ 4 0 51.50826 0.395676
RM16 3AS 0 51.50347 0.35512
RM16 3AT 0 51.503669 0.355519
RM16 3AY 2 51.511629 0.399918
RM16 3AZ 0 51.504409 0.387074
RM16 3BF 0 51.504459 0.387608
RM16 3BW 2 2 51.511629 0.399918