all postcodes in RM16 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM16 2XB 0 51.498367 0.319657
RM16 2XD 0 51.499354 0.319347
RM16 2XE 6 51.488971 0.344433
RM16 2XH 0 51.499518 0.320133
RM16 2XJ 0 51.500173 0.319316
RM16 2XL 0 51.491762 0.333483
RM16 2XP 0 51.491598 0.332653
RM16 2XQ 0 51.492598 0.332589
RM16 2XR 0 51.491439 0.331622
RM16 2XS 0 51.493261 0.331355
RM16 2XT 0 51.494488 0.331173
RM16 2XU 0 51.494171 0.333073
RM16 2XX 0 51.492029 0.332243
RM16 2XY 0 51.49179 0.351852
RM16 2XZ 0 51.491767 0.353032
RM16 2YA 0 51.489899 0.355198
RM16 2YB 0 51.489746 0.354671
RM16 2YD 0 51.4895 0.333281
RM16 2YH 0 51.489414 0.335754
RM16 2YJ 1 51.489434 0.337498