all postcodes in RM17 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM17 5XB 46 0 51.485457 0.334429
RM17 5XD 54 1 51.485253 0.33158
RM17 5XE 5 4 51.477793 0.307696
RM17 5XR 52 35 51.481706 0.308167
RM17 5XL 21 0 51.482165 0.313563
RM17 5XT 12 0 51.478662 0.320183
RM17 5XX 6 1 51.47751 0.317057
RM17 5XY 43 13 51.478364 0.32119
RM17 5XZ 1 1 51.477686 0.320868
RM17 5YB 16 5 51.477278 0.316052
RM17 5YD 40 5 51.476509 0.31309
RM17 5YF 7 3 51.4776 0.318877
RM17 5YG 38 0 51.478588 0.316637
RM17 5YH 15 0 51.477252 0.309138
RM17 5YJ 68 0 51.477475 0.311511
RM17 5YN 34 1 51.477763 0.312433
RM17 5YP 54 2 51.476594 0.311495
RM17 5YQ 39 0 51.478507 0.316186
RM17 5YR 70 0 51.477271 0.310493
RM17 5YS 32 1 51.476137 0.310075