all postcodes in RM18 / TILBURY

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM18 8NH 20 0 51.470489 0.366855
RM18 8NJ 8 0 51.470871 0.366688
RM18 8NL 50 7 51.469177 0.365031
RM18 8NP 30 0 51.470097 0.364891
RM18 8NR 39 0 51.481658 0.420712
RM18 8NX 1 0 51.475991 0.420281
RM18 8PA 4 0 51.471754 0.423815
RM18 8PB 69 2 51.468241 0.426755
RM18 8PD 3 0 51.47034 0.425224
RM18 8PH 1 0 51.470184 0.425374
RM18 8PL 4 0 51.469153 0.426485
RM18 8PN 9 0 51.468237 0.427286
RM18 8PP 2 0 51.469749 0.425582
RM18 8PQ 3 0 51.468454 0.427672
RM18 8PT 5 0 51.468752 0.42717
RM18 8PU 2 0 51.468655 0.426705
RM18 8PX 4 0 51.468616 0.426831
RM18 8QD 2 0 51.466899 0.429462
RM18 8QH 1 0 51.468621 0.426544
RM18 8QJ 2 0 51.472883 0.416215