all postcodes in RM2 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM2 5HR 30 1 51.586327 0.201631
RM2 5HS 29 5 51.585986 0.197455
RM2 5HT 1 1 51.586204 0.198623
RM2 5JA 1 1 51.586292 0.199332
RM2 5JB 11 0 51.584884 0.194313
RM2 5JP 2 2 51.582017 0.203184
RM2 5JR 9 3 51.586159 0.200192
RM2 5JS 1 1 51.586092 0.200249
RM2 5JT 16 0 51.584924 0.200334
RM2 5JU 29 0 51.583419 0.201488
RM2 5JX 18 0 51.582112 0.202481
RM2 5LB 32 0 51.585365 0.197454
RM2 5LD 6 0 51.584686 0.195299
RM2 5LH 52 0 51.583639 0.195003
RM2 5LJ 46 0 51.583649 0.195942
RM2 5LL 27 0 51.5828 0.197547
RM2 5LP 32 0 51.583654 0.196606
RM2 5LS 29 0 51.584473 0.198493
RM2 5LT 37 0 51.584131 0.199025
RM2 5LU 11 0 51.584418 0.196629