all postcodes in RM20 / GRAYS

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM20 4DP 3 3 51.478309 0.292888
RM20 4EH 2 2 51.475748 0.288641
RM20 4EL 14 14 51.474531 0.295247
RM20 4XB 6 3 51.475783 0.302928
RM20 4XE 8 0 51.480342 0.298823
RM20 4XG 8 0 51.480001 0.298792
RM20 4XJ 45 0 51.476786 0.303138
RM20 4XL 6 0 51.478286 0.303703
RM20 4XN 58 0 51.480041 0.303129
RM20 4XP 29 1 51.475757 0.299658
RM20 4XQ 5 5 51.476264 0.306841
RM20 4XT 8 0 51.478437 0.298713
RM20 4XU 0 51.476701 0.301492
RM20 4XW 0 51.480536 0.303586
RM20 4XX 2 51.476595 0.300507
RM20 4YD 0 51.47807 0.298666
RM20 4YE 0 51.478611 0.298131
RM20 4YH 0 51.478883 0.300737
RM20 4YJ 0 51.479536 0.300929
RM20 4YL 0 51.480966 0.301865