all postcodes in RM5 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM5 3DG 39 0 51.607976 0.174458
RM5 3DH 34 1 51.606095 0.172606
RM5 3DN 7 0 51.60354 0.172829
RM5 3DQ 38 0 51.607976 0.174458
RM5 3DR 12 0 51.590263 0.167028
RM5 3DS 52 0 51.590784 0.167558
RM5 3DT 13 1 51.591223 0.166798
RM5 3DU 13 4 51.592019 0.166533
RM5 3EA 22 3 51.5935 0.165751
RM5 3ED 11 0 51.593036 0.165399
RM5 3EH 30 0 51.592263 0.164509
RM5 3EJ 30 0 51.59296 0.163777
RM5 3EL 52 0 51.592748 0.168459
RM5 3EN 14 0 51.592897 0.166733
RM5 3EP 27 0 51.592528 0.170486
RM5 3ER 33 0 51.591703 0.170531
RM5 3ES 31 0 51.592062 0.172021
RM5 3ET 54 1 51.59337 0.172271
RM5 3EU 23 0 51.593786 0.170212
RM5 3EX 30 0 51.593769 0.171917