all postcodes in RM5 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM5 2BP 0 51.596348 0.148733
RM5 2BS 0 51.596031 0.147895
RM5 2BT 0 51.595921 0.147849
RM5 2DB 0 51.596268 0.14769
RM5 2DD 1 51.594352 0.144798
RM5 2DH 6 51.598485 0.150913
RM5 2DJ 1 51.598127 0.152283
RM5 2DP 2 51.601587 0.140448
RM5 2DQ 0 51.599637 0.148746
RM5 2DR 0 51.598772 0.14833
RM5 2DS 0 51.599884 0.151081
RM5 2DT 0 51.599221 0.151454
RM5 2DU 0 51.600203 0.14974
RM5 2DX 0 51.608325 0.159106
RM5 2ED 0 51.606866 0.160555
RM5 2EL 0 51.601048 0.151381
RM5 2EP 0 51.601329 0.149649
RM5 2ER 0 51.601336 0.151223
RM5 2ES 1 51.601434 0.153378
RM5 2ET 0 51.603077 0.155349