all postcodes in RM6 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM6 4BB 18 1 51.569855 0.127413
RM6 4BD 4 3 51.570102 0.12816
RM6 4BE 29 10 51.570084 0.130613
RM6 4BF 29 0 51.571484 0.130317
RM6 4BG 33 0 51.572555 0.122791
RM6 4BJ 40 0 51.573913 0.120805
RM6 4BL 1 1 51.569665 0.130434
RM6 4BP 5 1 51.570677 0.131764
RM6 4FP 5 0 51.570518 0.130994
RM6 4BQ 18 0 51.572795 0.121474
RM6 4BS 21 0 51.569839 0.13132
RM6 4BT 34 0 51.574242 0.122494
RM6 4BU 7 7 51.568054 0.129606
RM6 4BY 52 0 51.573418 0.12133
RM6 4DB 15 3 51.570118 0.128837
RM6 4DD 1 1 51.570156 0.128625
RM6 4DG 78 0 51.568294 0.123242
RM6 4DL 20 0 51.570574 0.128384
RM6 4DN 62 0 51.568718 0.123665
RM6 4DP 15 0 51.569745 0.125096