all postcodes in RM6 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM6 5BS 22 0 51.580826 0.126424
RM6 5BT 65 0 51.579429 0.125594
RM6 5BX 50 0 51.577868 0.124395
RM6 5DA 35 0 51.576722 0.123591
RM6 5DB 8 0 51.576023 0.123486
RM6 5DD 10 0 51.580785 0.12521
RM6 5DH 18 0 51.580696 0.123675
RM6 5DJ 8 0 51.57984 0.123231
RM6 5DL 34 0 51.580272 0.122241
RM6 5DP 20 0 51.580882 0.120826
RM6 5DR 22 0 51.581686 0.120156
RM6 5DS 33 0 51.581016 0.122882
RM6 5DT 39 0 51.581335 0.123128
RM6 5DU 33 0 51.579984 0.124263
RM6 5DX 31 0 51.579464 0.12268
RM6 5EA 14 0 51.57885 0.122319
RM6 5EB 57 0 51.578182 0.122923
RM6 5ED 4 0 51.578952 0.124128
RM6 5EE 5 0 51.576979 0.122809
RM6 5EH 52 0 51.585341 0.127371