all postcodes in RM6 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM6 6NR 1 0 51.572252 0.138997
RM6 6NT 6 3 51.571847 0.13804
RM6 6NU 5 1 51.571741 0.136953
RM6 6NX 45 6 51.571433 0.135106
RM6 6NY 44 5 51.57229 0.140341
RM6 6PB 29 9 51.571514 0.13358
RM6 6PD 18 0 51.571781 0.132741
RM6 6PH 3 0 51.571971 0.133183
RM6 6PP 11 7 51.571201 0.133522
RM6 6PR 27 6 51.570925 0.13185
RM6 6PS 28 6 51.571006 0.13282
RM6 6PU 21 7 51.570994 0.130554
RM6 6PX 1 1 51.57085 0.130042
RM6 6PY 7 4 51.571011 0.130654
RM6 6QD 1 1 51.571062 0.131264
RM6 6QJ 24 6 51.571188 0.131746
RM6 6QR 4 0 51.569722 0.13618
RM6 6QT 1 1 51.572488 0.141318
RM6 6QU 3 2 51.580526 0.14044
RM6 6RB 20 5 51.582349 0.142055