all postcodes in RM7 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM7 0FE 17 0 51.568807 0.15429
RM7 0FA 0 51.572031 0.178022
RM7 0FF 0 51.572226 0.179
RM7 0FG 0 51.572226 0.179
RM7 0FH 0 51.571114 0.178512
RM7 0FJ 0 51.571336 0.179491
RM7 0FL 0 51.571336 0.179491
RM7 0FN 0 51.57159 0.178378
RM7 0FP 0 51.571789 0.179296
RM7 0FR 3 51.571566 0.183572
RM7 0BF 8 0 51.570126 0.175378
RM7 0DF 1 0 51.570707 0.178004
RM7 0FS 70 0 51.571196 0.175401
RM7 0FT 84 0 51.571352 0.175868
RM7 0GU 65 0 51.571505 0.176828
RM7 0GW 25 0 51.570633 0.175215
RM7 0GX 39 0 51.570939 0.176629
RM7 0FY 0 51.571441 0.176377
RM7 0HG 1 0 51.572136 0.177219
RM7 1SA 1 51.581396 0.183538