all postcodes in RM7 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM7 9JR 0 51.572639 0.16352
RM7 9JS 0 51.573204 0.164223
RM7 9JT 0 51.573886 0.164171
RM7 9JU 0 51.574366 0.163629
RM7 9JX 0 51.57438 0.163184
RM7 9LD 2 51.57499 0.165867
RM7 9LR 0 51.57547 0.164721
RM7 9LS 0 51.576358 0.166136
RM7 9LT 0 51.575692 0.162898
RM7 9LU 0 51.576018 0.161184
RM7 9LX 0 51.575284 0.163557
RM7 9NA 3 51.574668 0.164784
RM7 9NB 1 51.574355 0.162748
RM7 9NH 3 51.574878 0.162167
RM7 9NJ 11 51.574395 0.161567
RM7 9NL 0 51.575048 0.161251
RM7 9NP 2 51.574353 0.160915
RM7 9NS 0 51.573975 0.157506
RM7 9NT 0 51.573796 0.152924
RM7 9NU 0 51.573523 0.154208